
To make a fighter, you gotta (have got to)strip down(脱光) to bare wood(无树皮的木材). Rest when you’re dead,come here.

You can’t just tell them to forget everything they know,you gotta make them forget it in their bones.

Make them so tired they only listen to you ,only hear your voice ,only do what you say ,and nothing else.

Show them how to keep their balence (保持平衡)and take it away(拿走) from the other guy.Not so low ,look at me ,right hook and just turn right.

How to generate(生成) momentum(惯性,势头) off the right toe,how to flex(弯曲,收缩,绷紧) your knees ,when you fire a jab(火速猛击).How to fight banking up(后退) ,so that the other guy doesn’t wanna(want to ) come after you.

Then you gotta show them all over again,over and over (反反复复)and over ,till they think they are born that way.(与生俱来)






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